We made Road transport
Easier in the southern Africa zone

Our Services

The simplest way to road transport

Vision & Mission

SHABA WHEELS, se veut devenir leader du transport routier dans la zone Afrique Australe

SHABA WHEELS, wants to become the leader of road transport in the southern Africa zone


Fournir un transport rapide et sécurisé grace à un service de qualité

Provide fast and secure transportation through quality service


Créer une relation de confiance avec les clients dans le but d’affermir notre partenariat

Create a relationship of trust with customers in order to strengthen our partnership


Devenir le partenaire de choix de l’industrie du transport.

Become the choosen partner in the transportation industry

We Put People First.

To nurture a productive relationship between the employee and employer, and between the employee and their work.

Speakings with head of marketing, at SHABA WHEELS, to explore how the putting people first contributes to the future of work.

in this interview, we discusses the impact of digital transformation on HR, and suggests organisations must put their ‘people first’ if they are to be successful and productive in the years ahead.

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